Sunday, May 11, 2014

book review of Rowling's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philospher's Stone

The Harry Potter series is not just about a boy finding out he has magical powers.  It is about finding a place in life and a purpose to it.  It is about belonging and enjoying life to the fullest.  It is about discovering and exploring what it is to be alive and coming to terms with death.  It is not just a coming- of - age story, but a coming to life story. 
Rowling presented a magical world unlike others in that magic was used on a day to day basis for menial tasks such as Mrs. Weasley does, but it is not the solution to everything.  Hagrid to Harry on why Muggles cannot know about Wizards, ‘Everyone’d be wantin’ magic solutions to their problems.’  She understood that people would only become lazy and not advance if they always went to others to simply make their problems disappear instead of dealing with them on their own.  The personal growth of humankind would then be forsaken.
People would become lazy and continue to rely on the wizards to do everything for them.  The wizards would become the ruling class and the Muggles would become the working class and believe them to be godlike in their abilities.  The Muggles would then expect the wizards to overcome all, even death.  Dumbledore to Harry, ‘After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. . . the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.’  Dumbledore is the voice of the wisdom in the series because he sees the long term effects of everything while others are simply looking at the next moment and how it effects themselves personally.  If the wizards became the upper class, the Muggles would then stop developing completely and no longer experience their own life, but the life that they are expected to live.  Free will would seem to disappear and with that disappearance what must follow but only hope.  Muggles would simply become a class of people who saw only physical labor and no mental growth to even consider death or experience life.  The Muggle would no longer need to debate the good and bad of the world.
Slytherin House is presented with a snake to represent which gives the reader an idea of slyness and a slippery quality.  This is where the biblical is brought in with the snake as a sign of evil or bad.  The introduction of the house to Harry and the reader is with the introduction of Draco Malfoy.  His character is instantly unlikeable with his haughty air of simultaneous indifference and disdain.  He is obviously the type of person that stays with ‘his own’ and does not understand the need or want to be otherwise.  He criticizes Hagrid without even knowing him based off what he has heard and seen of him (from a mere glance).  Hagrid then talks to Harry of Slytherin House, ‘There’s not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn’t in Slytherin.’  It is interesting how Slytherin House is seen as being a force of bad and so anyone who is accepted there must be bad themselves.  This is a bit hypocritical because they are isolated from everyone else for this and then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy for them to become bad.  They must go against what all of society and their families think they should be in order to be good as is seen in the later books.
Speaking of defying expectation, the analysis of what Rowling was doing with the symbols and symbolism within the series would serve to reveal what she thinks that children should be seeing subconsciously.  A big one in the first book would be the Mirror of Erised.  Dumbledore to Harry on the Mirror of Erised, ‘It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.’   A mirror causes the looker to reflect within themselves and destroys those that obsess over it (much like The Ring). Rewards those that look deeply and truly knowing what’s important (Dumbledore’s spell).  So, the wisdom within looking at one’s own reflection can be found when the looker is no longer wanting.

Another big concept to look at is power.  This is something that to a child means complete authority and a deserving authority at that.  They do not understand that power can be taken and given to those that should not have it.  To the child, it is merely a concept.  To the adult, it is what drives them every day. Professor Quirrell on Voldemort’s philosophy of power, ‘There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it.’  This brings into question if power is a force of good or evil.  Does it depend on the holder?  Is it truly abstract as children see it?
A good source of power would be with the Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s Stone.  This stone grants long life.  It represents longevity and power.  Voldemort wants it so that he may live again and continue on with his dark plans of domination and tyranny.  This small stone becomes a symbol of the possible future. A stone is but a superficial thing that is a part of nature.  It forms over time and is strong.  It has many sides and can hold a reflection. 
Last, the chess game at the end of the Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s Stone is full of symbolism.  Harry as the Bishop is fitting.  He is a famous, leader with influence.  Much like Dumbledore, he looks at what’s truly important (big picture).  He sees that getting the stone before someone bad gets it and gives it to Voldermort is more important than the House Cup.  Hermione as the Castle/Rook works because she is an old soul who is very cautious.  She is a homely girl who is comfortable and safe much like a home is.  She is like a fortress in that she can serve as a sign of power to have with her vast intellect and unexpected action. Ron as the Knight is superb in that he is a follower and leader.  He has a code of honor and thinks of others first.  He is brave to the point of martyrdom as can be seen by the end of the chess game itself.
In short, the first book is an exploration into the effects of isolation.  The hypocrisy found within every society even the idealistic magical one.  The love of adventure and mystery within us all and the need to know every answer. 

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