Wednesday, August 27, 2014

review of The Death Cure by James Dashner

WICKED is supposed to be finished with the trials.  The cure is supposed to be attainable.  The race is on to find out who is the final candidate and take their brain (WICKED’s agenda).  The agenda of the Gladers and Group B is to escape from WICKED and stay away.  A bounty is out for their heads and everybody is splitting up thinking different things about where the others are and why they are even separate.

The question remains of why WICKED was accepted and allowed to happen.  Why is good?  Why is it okay for them to take all of the remaining resources and focus it on one goal?  Thomas will find out what is really happening and who he truly is and why he would have even agreed to work for WICKED without even getting his memories back.  He discovers why WICKED is good.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

review of the Giver

This book shows a dystopian society that sees itself as being Utopian.  Though, these people would not understand the concept of such things.  They do not feel true pain, starvation, war, or sadness.  No one dies, instead they are simply released into the Elsewhere.  They are not individual, but a society in which every person tends to each other.   They must share their dreams and feeling together every day.  No one marries for love or bares their own children. 

The things that people see as being ordinary and every day for us would be horrible for them.  They do not struggle with dating, instead they are assigned a spouse (after they apply for one).  They do not have to worry about accidental pregnancies or not being able to feed themselves or others.  They do not have our driving forces.  They have the order of the Community and that is all that seems to matter to them. It is what could happen to humanity if we took away the individual.  If we were to assign everyone their family and job, they would become an orderly but passionless world.  So, the debate of the book is whether the order is worth the humanity that is sacrificed for it.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

review of the scorch trials

The second in the maze runner trilogy and picks up exactly where the Maze Runner left off.  The very next day the boys awaken to a whole new set of rules and circumstances.  They start to mess with the Variables causing WICKED to get nasty with them, but they prevail.  Thomas proves himself to be the most capable of not only leadership, but humanity and morality.  One of the big factors/events in the scorch trials is his betrayal and yet, he passes with flying colors and manages to make a few of his own rules that contradict the rules of WICKED along the way.  He constantly defies the odds and expectations which makes him the front runner in the experiment. 
This book shows them no longer in a secluded maze.  The boys are in a wasteland referred to as the Scorch (used to be around Mexico).  They are supposed to make it across the Scorch to a certain spot which will contain the cure for the Flare (which WICKED has ensured that they all have).

 Thomas begins to remember more of what his life was before the Maze.  With the memories, he only gains more uncertainty.  His confusion only intensifies over time while his body suffers and his mind is put to the test.  WICKED is relying on their will to live and push through and yet, the focus should be on the dead morality of human kind as Thomas is bringing to the forefront through his actions.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Review of The Girl Who Would Speak for the Dead

This book is a not so modern coming-of-age story.  Thirteen year old twins are bored and want a new game.  They are smart and want to involve others in their game.   The girl discovers that she can make a knocking noise with her ankles without even having to move them.  The boy then decides that they will pretend to channel ghosts using the knocking to answer simple yes and no questions.  The boy then picks and chooses who they will share the spirit knocking with.  At first, it is a boy and then a group of girls and then grandmothers.  The girl twin then starts to realize more about her family and the people within it.  She wants to use the spirit knocking to help people while her brother wants to use it for fame.  They discover who they are and what they should be doing in the middle of this summer as things start to unfold and determine the rest of their lives.