Wednesday, August 27, 2014

review of The Death Cure by James Dashner

WICKED is supposed to be finished with the trials.  The cure is supposed to be attainable.  The race is on to find out who is the final candidate and take their brain (WICKED’s agenda).  The agenda of the Gladers and Group B is to escape from WICKED and stay away.  A bounty is out for their heads and everybody is splitting up thinking different things about where the others are and why they are even separate.

The question remains of why WICKED was accepted and allowed to happen.  Why is good?  Why is it okay for them to take all of the remaining resources and focus it on one goal?  Thomas will find out what is really happening and who he truly is and why he would have even agreed to work for WICKED without even getting his memories back.  He discovers why WICKED is good.

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