Sunday, August 17, 2014

review of the scorch trials

The second in the maze runner trilogy and picks up exactly where the Maze Runner left off.  The very next day the boys awaken to a whole new set of rules and circumstances.  They start to mess with the Variables causing WICKED to get nasty with them, but they prevail.  Thomas proves himself to be the most capable of not only leadership, but humanity and morality.  One of the big factors/events in the scorch trials is his betrayal and yet, he passes with flying colors and manages to make a few of his own rules that contradict the rules of WICKED along the way.  He constantly defies the odds and expectations which makes him the front runner in the experiment. 
This book shows them no longer in a secluded maze.  The boys are in a wasteland referred to as the Scorch (used to be around Mexico).  They are supposed to make it across the Scorch to a certain spot which will contain the cure for the Flare (which WICKED has ensured that they all have).

 Thomas begins to remember more of what his life was before the Maze.  With the memories, he only gains more uncertainty.  His confusion only intensifies over time while his body suffers and his mind is put to the test.  WICKED is relying on their will to live and push through and yet, the focus should be on the dead morality of human kind as Thomas is bringing to the forefront through his actions.

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